American University Business School Students International in Faithful Language School in June 2018
Students from Business School of Azusa Pacific University will have two months internship in Faithful Language School from June 2018. With permision from authories, they will legally work in administrative office and have experience of working for Chinese education entity.
American Business Professor Invited by Faithful International Giving Lectures in Jiaotong University on May 28th 2018
On May 28th Faithful International in conjunction with Xi'an Jiao Tong University hosted a talk given by Professor Jeffrey Sherlock visiting from Taylor University, titled: Starting a Business? 10 Essential Concepts for Long-Term Success. The meeting was held in the
International Buisness Group Led by Faithful Language School visited Tsinghua University’s TusStar Start-up Incubator Hub on May 28th 2018
On May 28th, Faithful Language School, Professor Jeffrey Sherlock from Taylor University and some Business Consultants from the USA and Australia visited Tsinghua University's TusStar Start-up Incubator Hub in the Xi'an High Technology Zone. At TusStar we met with a
Huntington University Leaders Visited Faithful Language School for International Education Program on Mar 21st 2018
On 21st March 2018, Dr. Luke S. Fetters, the Director of Global Studies of Huntington University, visited Faithful Language School. FLS Principal James Huang and Academic Director Ann Wang had a meeting with Dr. Luke S. Fetters, discussing the partnership
Visit to American Universities by Faithful School Principal and Academic Dean
On Feb 5th 2018, the Principal of Faithful Language School James Huang and the Academic Dean Ann Wang travel to the United States for a 20 days visit. They will visit American universities that partner with Faithful and have further discussion
Taylor University Business School Visit January 16th 2018
On 16th January 2018 a group of Taylor University Students visited Faithful Language School. 国泰勒大学商学院主任及信德汉语学校校长带领美国商学院学生一行20人,参观访问新三板上市公司识代运筹。企业访问结束后,泰勒大学商学生在信德汉语学校参加中国文化讲座。夏洛克教授代表泰勒大学与信德国际中心就美国泰勒大学生在我中心带学分进行一学期语言和文化学习项目的具体落实计划进行了详细讨论。 泰勒大学为美国综合性大学,位于伊利诺斯州。泰勒商学院以其优秀的教育质量和国际化的视野为美国本土众多学生所知。商学院每年由教授带领商学生在世界各地进行交流和实习,给学生打造坚实的商务能力。信德汉语学校商务培训部与泰勒大学商学院达成合作意向,将在西安地区开展泰勒商学院课程的培训。 On 16th January 2018 a group of 18 Taylor University Business Major students visited Faithful Language School. Our Principal arranged for the group to visit Knowledge Data,
Taylor University Leaders Visited Faithful Language School for International Study Program on 24th Oct 2017
On 24th October 2017, Charlie Brainer, Dean of International Programs, Jeff Miller, Director of Off-Campus Programs and Jeff Sherlock, Professor of International Business and Management from Taylor University visited us at Faithful International Traning Centre. The main purpose of the
Faithful Language School Chinese Teaching Trip to Thailand 2017
From Nov 11th, Faithful Language School sent our teachers to Thailand for our 4th annual teaching trip by teaching Mandarin to Thai school students. We taught Chinese lesson in royal Thai schools and countryside schools. ) Learning Mandarin, Study Chinese, Online Chinese
TCFL Major Teaching Internship in Faithful in Fall Semester 2017
From Sep 19th 2017, TCFL (Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language) major students from Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology started their teaching internship in Faithful for the whole Fall semester. They will receive guidance from our Chinese language teachers
American University Students Visited Faithful Language School on June 11th 2017
on June 11th 2017, more than 20 students from over 7 American universities visited Faithful Language School. With games, songs, handcrafts, they interacted with Chinese children students in Faithful. It was a good expereince for both sides as it gave